Latest investigations by Farm Transparency Project
Across August and September 2024, FTP investigated seven Queensland slaughterhouses, where we found evidence of animal suffering, cruel and illegal practices and the same pain, terror and confusion that is experienced by animals at all slaughterhouses.
Our team installed hidden cameras inside small local slaughterhouses, prided for their local service; large, industrial facilities; award-winning companies and slaughterhouses that had received hundreds of thousands of dollars in government grant money.
This footage, showing the final moments of thousands of animals whose lives were taken by the industry, has now been published on our website.
Our investigation revealed such an exhaustive volume of abuse, illegal and... read more
Previously known as Riverside Meats, the slaughterhouse was exposed twice by Animals Australia in 2013 and 2016, with footage showing abuse, poor stunning and suffering of sheep, cows, goats and bobby calves. These investigations led to significant media coverage and the slaughterhouse was forced to install CCTV, before opting to shut down in 2018 amid protests from workers.
Three years later they quietly reopened as MD Foods Australia. Three years after that, we visited to see if much had changed.
... read more
In the months following the hearings, investigators collected evidence of how pigs are confined and handled by workers at... read more
Hidden cameras installed by Farm Transparency Project in early 2024 reveal the brutal slaughter of 'beef' and dairy cows at Ralph's Meats, in Seymour, Victoria.
Workers are seen repeatedly swinging gates into frightened cows to attempt to herd them into the race, and aggressively prodding them with an electric prodder, even when they have nowhere to go.
The footage reveals cows remaining conscious after multiple 'stunning attempts', meaning they can feel everything as their throats are cut open.
The commercial slaughter of rabbits in Australia has never been captured on camera... until now.
Our investigators installed hidden cameras in not one, but two rabbit slaughterhouses, capturing the final terrified moments of these gentle, sensitive animals.
This is what our investigations into Gippsland Meats in Bairnsdale, VIC and Summerland Poultry in Kellyville, NSW uncovered…
The milking of a herd of jersey cows at Caldermeade dairy farm and cafe in Victoria, Australia. Captured in February 2024.
In September 2023, Farm Transparency Project captured the separation of newborn calves from their mothers at four Tasmanian dairy farms.
In order to make milk for human consumption, dairy cows need to be pregnant. Female cows are artificially inseminated multiple times a year, so that they can continue to be milked every day. When they give birth, they bond with their babies immediately, only to have them ripped away from them, usually within hours, so that humans can take their milk to be sold.
Scottsdale Pork is Tasmania's largest pig slaughterhouse, with pigs mostly coming from the company's nearby free-range piggery. An electric stunner is used to incapacitate pigs before their throats are slit, but this is frequently ineffective.
Crowded into a small room, goats and sheep are dragged one at a time onto the kill platform, where their throats are brutally cut open without any attempt at stunning. While this slaughterhouse is one of only a handful in Australia that have an exemption to 'stick' without prior stunning for halal meat, they are required to ensure unconsciousness before shackling by stunning immediately after sticking, which is not occurring.
Despite these blatant contraventions of... read more
On the banks of the Murray River, under an hour from Adelaide, thousands of pigs are being excruciatingly gassed to death every week at BMK Foods slaughterhouse.
Our team of investigators entered and installed cameras inside the kill room of this facility, capturing footage of pigs as they died in agony.
In our latest investigation for Defend the Wild, Farm Transparency Project surveilled a trapper employed by the Victorian Government, revealing the brutal capture and killing of native dingoes as a scapegoat for poor animal welfare in the meat, leather and wool industries.
An investigation by Farm Transparency Project uncovered the widespread use of sow stalls in Victorian piggeries, 5 years after the industry claimed to have phased them out.
On the night of November 9, 2021, Farm Transparency Project received a tipoff about a shed catching fire at an intensive egg farm in Carisbrook, Victoria. The farm, owned by Kinross, produces "cage-free", "barn-laid" eggs in an "aviary" system, with up to 45,000 hens in each shed. Our investigators went to document the aftermath and check for survivors.
Ex-racehorse slaughter at Kankool and Highland knackeries in NSW - the racing industry's retirement plan (part 2).
One year after being reported to authorities, an illegal slaughterhouse east of Melbourne has been found to still be slaughtering sheep without stunning.
An investigation into the fate of ex-racing thoroughbred and standardbred horses in NSW led to two Sydney knackeries, where hidden cameras captured their brutal slaughter and sale as pet meat.
See more:
Intensive feedlot housing 8000 sheep in western Victoria.
Disbudding of female goat kids at Lochaber Goat Farm (Meredith Dairy) in Meredith, Victoria, late 2019.
Male kids routinely slaughtered at Gippsland goat dairy farm owned by John Gommans. See more at
Hidden camera footage captured anonymously and provided to Farm Transparency Project.
An Australian-first investigation, in collaboration with Animal Liberation, reveals the mass killing of 'useless' male chicks and the painful de-beaking of day-old females, in the Specialised Breeders Australia (SBA) Hatchery near Bendigo, Victoria, one of the country's largest egg-layer hatcheries.
Hidden camera footage from the gas chamber at South Australia's largest pig slaughterhouse, Big River Pork near Murray Bridge, May 2014.