Kaladbro Station

955 Kaladbro Road, Strathdownie VIC 3312 Australia
Name: Kaladbro Station
Address: 955 Kaladbro Road, Strathdownie VIC 3312 Australia
LGA/Council: Glenelg Shire Council
Council website: glenelg.vic.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 55222200
Summary: Kaladbro Station is a sheep skin/wool/fur farm located in Strathdownie, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2020
Listing ID: c7aff
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Kaladbro Station is an indoor intensive finishing feedlot for sheep, located in western Victoria near the South Australian border. With 8000 sheep packed tightly together, many were found in poor physical condition. The facility is owned by South Australian cattle baron Thomas Brinkworth, one of Australia's wealthiest landowners, who has previously been convicted of illegal land-clearing and charged with over 100 counts of animal cruelty for allowing cattle to starve.

Previously owned by Hassad Australia (owned by the Qatar government), sold to Tom Brinkworth in 2017 for $24mil.



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News (3)

  • The Environmental Crimes of One of Australia's Wealthiest Pastoralists

    Thursday 11 Jun 2020 by Alix Livingstone (editorial)

    One of Australia's richest pastoralists has been charged seven times for clearing protected South Australian vegetation. Read more >

  • Thomas Brinkworth and the RSPCA

    Thursday 11 Jun 2020 by Alix Livingstone (editorial)

    It is believed to be one of the worst cases of animal neglect in Australia’s history, with a spokesperson stating, “for some of the animals, the only movement they could make was to blink their eyes, that was the only way we knew they were alive”. Read more >

  • About Wool and the Alternatives

    Thursday 11 Jun 2020 by Emma Håkansson (editorial)

    A common misconception sees many of us believe that the wool industry is one that is harmless to sheep, completely different to the fur and leather industries. Unfortunately, this could not be farther from reality. Sheep are regularly and legally mutilated, they are often mistreated and abused, and they are slaughtered for meat. Read more >

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