
An interactive virtual tour of Eco Piggery in northern Victoria, co-owned by David Wright (President of the Victorian Farmers Federation Pig Council) and Colin Sinclair (owner of the notorious Benalla slaughterhouse).

David Wright presented at the 2024 Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into pig welfare, spruiking the welfare credentials of his industry and his piggery in particular. Now you can take a look for yourself.

This is industry transparency like you've never seen it before. You can explore the facility at your own pace, looking around you in all directions and clicking the arrows to move throughout each shed; on any computer, mobile device or VR headset.

Please note, this tool works best on a stable wifi connection. Depending on the quality of your connection, it may take several seconds for the videos to start playing around you as you move to each spot within the sheds.

Facility: EcoPiggery
2957 Mitiamo-Kow Swamp Rd, Leitchville VIC 3567, Australia