Our team is committed to fighting injustice, wherever it might occur. We risk our safety and livelihoods to document animal use industries, which rely on secrecy and deception in order to profit from abuse. We choose to do this because we know how important it is to share the horrific reality of animal farming and slaughter in Australia. We choose to take these risks because the animals trapped in these places can’t tell their own stories.

Right now, Palestinians in Gaza have no choice. They are being bombed, displaced and brutally massacred by the state of Israel who see them, not as humans with lives that matter, but as beings with no more worth than the animals whose lives are taken for food, clothing and entertainment. Over the last six months, the world has understood the atrocities that are happening in Gaza not because of the media but because brave citizens and journalists have continued to document their lives and suffering, even as their world is torn apart around them.

In November 2023, as Israel ramped up retaliatory attacks targeting Palestinian civilians in Gaza, Farm Transparency Project publicly joined the growing calls for an immediate ceasefire. In the months since, tens of thousands of civilians have died, many of them women and children. We call for an immediate end to the genocide of Palestinians, and the freedom of Palestine from Israeli occupation, apartheid and colonial violence. We call on our community to share the reality of this genocide, in the same way you share our investigations of mass animal suffering and slaughter.

Take Action

Donate to reputable organisations such as the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund who are providing life-saving aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

Join a protest in your city. Marches and rallies are still happening most weekends in major cities across Australia. Visit the Australian Palestine Advocacy network for upcoming events.

Contact the Prime Minister and foreign minister and demand that they stop sending weapons to Israel and call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to Israeli occupation and apartheid.

Contact your MP and ask them to support an immediate ceasefire and and end to the genocide of Palestinians.

Boycott companies that are complicit in violations of Palestinian rights. Learn more about the BDS movement and join the boycott.

No matter where, no matter when, slaughter is never humane.