Core Values

The mission and operations of Farm Transparency Project are underpinned by the following core values.

  1. Believe in the rights of non-human animals to not be exploited, owned, abused, or killed for human purposes.

  2. Be guided at all times by consistent moral principles, proudly accountable for all publicly and privately made decisions.

  3. Recognise the interconnectedness of all oppression, acting with an ethical continuity throughout all issues by not tolerating any form of oppression. Showing respect for all beings regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, faith, ability, class, age, and species, and encouraging the empowerment of those from marginalised groups.

  4. Promote open, respectful communication and a practice of “calling it in” as the first step for conflict resolution, maintaining compassion for all even in the face of adversity, and striving for a culture where individuals feel safe from harm and harassment.

  5. Advocate freedom of relevant information regarding matters of public/consumer interest and social justice, while respecting security culture to avoid compromising the safety and effectiveness of campaigns.

  6. Continually seek new methods to improve effectiveness of our operations and the overall movement.

  7. Support and empower other individual activists and organisations in their own work, including but not limited to the sharing of resources, tools and information.

  8. Strongly oppose all violence towards human and non-human animals.

Our values guide how we operate and make decisions at Farm Transparency Project. They are representative of the world we are trying to help build. Our values are also reflected by the positions we take on topics of social justice.

Farm Transparency Project stands for animal justice, rights and freedom, within a framework of collective liberation and consistent anti-oppression. With our work, we strive to be allies to other struggles for justice and do our best to challenge injustice wherever it arises in society.

Farm Transparency Project supports:

  • An immediate end to the genocide of Palestinians, and the freedom of Palestine from Israeli occupation, apartheid and colonial violence. Learn more and take action.
  • LGBTQIA+ rights and self-determination. This includes trans rights, gay rights and the rights of any person who experiences prejudice and injustice due to their gender or sexuality.
  • Sex-worker rights including the right to legal protection, safe working environments and the destigmatisation of sex work.
  • First nations sovereignty and self-determination.
  • Reparations and accountability for historical injustices against first nations communities and communities of colour.
  • The elevation of women, people of colour, first nations people, LGBTQIA+ people, disabled people and other minoritised groups to positions of leadership.
  • The rights to self-determination, respect and autonomy for people with disabilities.
  • The rights of people to seek asylum, choose their country of residence and be given freedom of movement and opportunity.
  • Access to safe healthcare for all members of society, including abortions and gender affirming surgery.
  • Creating spaces which are open, welcoming and accessible, regardless of people’s physical, social or psychological abilities and needs.
  • Transparency, accountability and proactive, restorative justice in cases where individuals or groups are harmed or put at risk by our actions or the actions of our representatives.