Ralphs Meat Co

55 Granville Dr, Seymour VIC 3660, Australia
Name: Ralphs Meat Co
Address: 55 Granville Dr, Seymour VIC 3660, Australia
LGA/Council: Mitchell Shire Council
Council website: mitchellshire.vic.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5734 6200
Summary: Ralphs Meat Co is a cow/cattle slaughterhouse located in Seymour, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: cb657
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Ralphs Meat Co is an export abattoir for cattle, located just outside of Seymour in northern Victoria. 

Hidden camera footage captured by investigators from Farm Transparency Project (FTP) in February 2024 shows ineffective stunning of injured and emaciated cows. 

The daily slaughter of up to 500 cows, steers and bulls is documented, with many of those killed being dairy cows whose milk production has slowed. Footage shows workers jabbing cows in the face and head with painful electric prodders, and repeatedly hitting them with metal gates. Many show signs of consciousness after 'stunning' and even after their throats have been slit, suffering for minutes. 

The Victorian slaughterhouse regulator, Primesafe, has launched a formal investigation with the federal Department of Agriculture in response to a complaint made by Farm Transparency project. 

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Media releases by FTP (2)

  • Animal activists converge on Seymour slaughterhouse following shocking new slaughter footage.

    Monday 6 May 2024

    Photos and footage - protestPhotos and footage - FTP investigation Around 20 animal advocates are staging a protest outside the gates of Ralph’s Meat Co slaughterhouse in Seymour, Victoria. The protest is in response to new hidden camera footage, released by animal rights group Farm Transparency Project, which shows cows seemingly maintaining consciousness as their throats are slit and while they bleed out, as well as severely emaciated cows being herded to slaughter. The slaughterhouse is now under investigation by the federal Department of Agriculture as a result of the footage. The group has said that they intend to attempt... Read more >

  • Hidden cameras reveal emaciated cows killed while fully conscious at northern Victorian slaughterhouse

    Thursday 18 Apr 2024

    View photos and footageView location evidence Hidden camera footage captured by investigators from Farm Transparency Project (FTP) in February 2024 shows ineffective stunning of injured and emaciated cows at Ralphs Meat Co in Seymour, Northern Victoria.  The daily slaughter of up to 500 cows, steers and bulls is documented, with many of those killed being dairy cows whose milk production has slowed. Footage shows workers jabbing cows in the face and head with painful electric prodders, and repeatedly hitting them with metal gates. Many show signs of consciousness after 'stunning' and even after their throats have been slit, suffering for minutes.  FTP's... Read more >

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