Name: Highland Pet Food
Address: Unnamed Road, Guyra NSW 2365, Australia
LGA/Council: Armidale Regional Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: 1300 136 833 (24 Hours)
Summary: Highland Pet Food is a knackery located in Guyra, NSW Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2020
Listing ID: b4261
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Slaughters horses and cattle, and processes wild-slaughtered animals including kangaroos, for pet food.

Evidence (emails, invoices and animal intake logs) found in the knackery's office identifies at least 4 separate occasions in 2018-20 where NSW horses were sent directly from a stud/breeding facility owned by billionaire Gerry Harvey (who owns the prestigious Magic Millions racing event, and Harvey Norman) to the knackery, in breach of the Racing NSW rules. The evidence also shows 89 horses sent by local breeder Tamac Stud Farm in the same two year period, also in breach of the rules.

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  • Activists issue challenge as Racing NSW backpedals on anti-slaughter rules

    Tuesday 23 Feb 2021

    Animal protection group Farm Transparency Project has hit back at claims made today by Racing NSW in response to new evidence of the ongoing slaughter of NSW racehorses. The racing body has distanced themselves from responsibility, suggesting that only a handful of the identified horses were in breach of Racing Rule LR114, despite many of the horses coming directly from the industry’s own breeders. Rule LR114 states that “any person that is in charge of or has in his or her possession, control or custody of any [eligible, unnamed or named] horses is not to euthanize or destroy a... Read more >

  • Billionaire Gerry Harvey and two additional NSW knackeries implicated in ex-racehorse slaughter scandal

    Thursday 29 Oct 2020

    New evidence reveals the ongoing slaughter of ex-racehorses in NSW in breach of the state’s racing rules, with many sent directly from industry breeders including a stud owned by billionaire Gerry Harvey, owner of the prestigious ‘Magic Millions’ annual horse sale and retail giant Harvey Norman.   Read more >

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