Name: Van der Drift & Sons Piggery
Address: 1273 Macorna-Pyramid Hill Rd, Macorna VIC 3579
LGA/Council: Gannawarra Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5450 9333
Summary: Van der Drift & Sons Piggery is a pig meat farm located in Macorna, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2025
Listing ID: c438d
Owned by: Dulcarn Enterprises Pty Ltd, ABN: 67 135 511 641 (last known 2025)
Parent company: Van Der Drift & Sons Pty Ltd, ABN: 40 078 014 221 (last known 2025)
Contracted to: Van Der Drift & Sons Pty Ltd, ABN: 40 078 014 221 (last known 2025)
Property Identification Code (PIC): 3GASH019
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An enormous farrow-to-finish piggery, composed of 30 sheds connected by a single 615-metre-long corridor. The walls and ceilings are draped in cobwebs, and the sheds and corridor are completely infested by cockroaches and flies. Piglets in the weaner pens were found suffering from mange, while a piglet in the farrowing crates was found with their leg trapped between the metal bars of the floor. 

Van der Drift is certified under the Australian Pork Industry Quality Assurance Program (APIQ), which according to the industry is "the mark of a pig producer who cares for their animals and follows safe, sustainable practices".

According to paperwork found in their office, 306 sows died between January and November 2024. Investigators came across two dead sows with their throats gashed open, dumped outside the sheds. 

Owned by Andrew Ronald Van der Drift and Melissa Ann Van der Drift, who are directors of Duclarn Enterprises Pty Ltd and Van der Drift & Sons Pty Ltd. Property owned by Dulcarn Enterprises Pty Ltd.

Sends pigs to the notorious Benalla slaughterhouse to be gassed with carbon dioxide. 

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  • Animal activists report 'disease, infection, cannibalism and suffering' at five more Victorian piggeries

    Tuesday 25 Feb 2025

    Footage showing pigs suffering from the infectious disease mange, sporting pus-filled abscesses, being cannibalised, and preyed upon by cats and rats, with others confined to 'sow stall' cages, has been released by animal advocacy group Farm Transparency Project. The footage was filmed at five Victorian piggeries, which were visited by unknown investigators who filmed inside 20 piggeries across the weekend of the 18th & 19th January, before anonymously providing video and photos to Farm Transparency Project. The latest footage to be released is from piggeries in Whroo, Yarrawalla, Woodstock West, Macorna and Rushworth. Animal protection organisation Farm Transparency has published footage... Read more >

ABN Lookup

ABN 67 135 511 641 (open lookup)
Entity name The Trustee for VAN DER DRIFT FAMILY TRUST (from 06 February 2003)
VAN DER DRIFT FAMILY TRUST from 25 October 2001 to 06 February 2003
VAN DER DRIFT FAMILY TST from 09 March 2000 to 25 October 2001
ABN status Active from 09 March 2000
Entity type Discretionary Trading Trust
Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registered from 01 January 2003
Main business location VIC 3579 from 23 September 2014
VIC 3579 from 17 January 2014 to 23 September 2014
VIC 3579 from 02 November 2006 to 17 January 2014
VIC 3568 from 26 October 2004 to 02 November 2006
VIC 3568 from 06 February 2003 to 26 October 2004
VIC 3568 from 09 March 2000 to 06 February 2003
ABN last updated 11 June 2016
Extracted from ABR 09 March 2025
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