Brisbane Valley Meats
Operating as both a slaughterhouse and a butcher shop, Brisbane Valley Meats kills cows, sheep, goats, pigs, buffalo and camels for direct supply to the public.
In 2024, FTP's team investigated Brisbane Valley Meats, installing hidden cameras to document the reality of what happens behind closed doors at this slaughterhouse. Our footage showed shocking violence, brutality and carelessness from workers, causing immeasurable animal suffering.
Sheep, goats and small pigs are forced into a small stun pen, where they are picked off one by one with an electric stunner. Goats, sheep and pigs can all be seen frantically trying to escape the stunner, jumping up on the side of the pen and climbing on top of each other, or attempting to hide their heads under other animals. Workers use the stunner like tongs, grabbing animals by the head and neck and zapping them with electricity which temporarily paralyses them. 4-5 will usually be stunned within a matter of seconds before they are dragged one by one into the kill room.
By the time they are taken to have their throats slit, many have begun to regain consciousness and can be seen blinking and even attempting to stand. These animals have their throats slit while they are awake and aware. Several animals escape into the kill room, with at least one pig having their throat slit by a worker as they struggle and scream.
Cows, large pigs, buffalo and camels are forced into a small metal ‘knockbox,’ which they often try to escape from, jumping up on the metal sides and attempting to turn around and run back out. Due to their thicker skulls, large pigs and buffalo are first knocked out with an electric stunner, before they are hoisted onto a shackle line and have their throats slit. Pigs often struggle and thrash as the stunner is used on them multiple times, while buffalo can be seen to bleed from the nose after being electrocuted.
Cows and camels are shot with a bolt gun before their throats are cut. Many cows continue to struggle and lift their heads as they are hoisted onto the shackle line. One cow can be seen raising their head and legs and violently thrashing while hanging upside down. Despite clear signs of consciousness, a worker proceeds to cut their throat and remove their feet, likely while the cow can still feel pain.
Camels killed at the slaughterhouse are believed to be ex-dairy camels, likely from nearby Summerland Camels. Like dairy cows, female camels used for milk are impregnated multiple times across their lifespan, before being killed when milk production begins to slow. Brisbane Valley Meats proudly boasts of their camel meat burgers, which they sell in their onsite butcher shop.
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News (1)
Activists who became a political target have sparked a government probe of slaughterhouses
Saturday 15 Mar 2025 by
A federal MP said these animal activists had "no place in our society". Now four slaughterhouses in his electorate are under investigation for alleged animal cruelty. Read more >
Media releases by FTP (1)
'Stabbed and decapitated while conscious': cruelty reported at seven QLD slaughterhouses
Friday 14 Mar 2025
Animal protection organisation Farm Transparency Project has released footage captured inside seven QLD slaughterhouses over a six-week period in August-September 2024. The footage, obtained through the use of covert cameras installed by the group, shows multiple breaches of state and federal animal welfare legislation, including ineffective stunning, abusive handling of animals, and animals being slaughtered while conscious and aware. At one facility, a sheep is stabbed multiple times and decapitated while still conscious, while pigs are seen drowning in the scalding tank. Farm Transparency Project is calling for the immediate closure of all seven facilities, which have been reported... Read more >