Name: Numurkah Turkey Supplies - farm and abattoir
Address: 1807 Walshs Bridge Rd, Numurkah VIC 3636, Australia
LGA/Council: Moira Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5871 9222
Summary: Numurkah Turkey Supplies - farm and abattoir is a turkey meat farm located in Numurkah, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2020
Listing ID: c9d81
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2020 investigation revealed systemic improper stunning of turkeys before they are brutally decapitated.

Most of the turkeys are dragged upside-down through an electrical stun bath, and the majority of these were found to exhibit signs of consciousness afterwards, while others were seen lifting their heads and avoiding the stun bath entirely. Because of their large wingspan, their wings often hit the electrified water first, giving them extremely painful electric shocks. A small number of turkeys were beheaded without any prior stunning in inverted cones, a practice that is arguably in breach of Victoria’s vaguely-worded animal welfare legislation.

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  • The Life of a Christmas Turkey

    Monday 14 Dec 2020 by Farm Transparency Project (editorial)

    The life of a turkey destine for slaughter is a grim Christmas story indeed. From breeding, to hatching, growing and slaughter, turkeys bred for their meat suffer immensely and we have the power to make kinder choices for them, on Christmas and every other day too. Read more >

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