Illegal slaughterhouse

115 Beatties Rd, Koo Wee Rup VIC 3981, Australia
Name: Illegal slaughterhouse
Address: 115 Beatties Rd, Koo Wee Rup VIC 3981, Australia
LGA/Council: Cardinia Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]

Hidden camera footage, which shows sheep being brutally slaughtered without stunning, some of whom attempt to escape with their heads half removed, was provided to Victorian MP Andy Meddick in late July 2019.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: m1lf4
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Hidden camera footage, which shows sheep being brutally slaughtered without stunning, some of whom attempt to escape with their heads half removed, was provided to Victorian MP Andy Meddick in late July 2019 after an anonymous source provided it to the makers of Australian documentary Dominion, Aussie Farms.

Meddick made a formal complaint to Primesafe, the Statutory Authority that regulates the safety of meat, and is calling for the facility to be completely closed down and for those responsible to be prosecuted.

Meddick also says the release of this footage could not have come at a more crucial time, as it shows the importance of the work animal activists do, yet a parliamentary inquiry is being held in Victoria which could potentially increase penalties for whistleblowers.

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