Midland Bacon

97 Robertson Rd, Carag Carag VIC 3623, Australia
Name: Midland Bacon
Address: 97 Robertson Rd, Carag Carag VIC 3623, Australia
LGA/Council: Campaspe Shire Council
Council website: campaspe.vic.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (03) 5481 2200
Summary: Midland Bacon is a pig meat farm located in Carag Carag, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: f41a6
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Exposed in late 2022 for the continued use of sow stalls, five years after the pig farming industry claimed to have phased them out.

On February 11th 2024, hidden cameras installed by investigators caught a worker r*ping a female pig (sow) who was confined in a farrowing crate. The cameras also captured routine surgical procedures performed on young piglets without pain relief, and the brutal killing of 'runt' piglets by smashing their heads against the floor. 

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  • Protest outside Northern Victoria pig farm where 'sickening' bestiality took place

    Wednesday 20 Mar 2024

    30+ animal activists are protesting outside a Northern Victoria pig farm, after “sickening” bestiality act revealed last week. 30+ animal activists have gathered outside Midland Bacon pig farm in Carag Carag, demanding the release of the sow who last month was captured on camera being raped by a worker, while confined to a farrowing crate. A global petition to free the sow, who activists have named Olivia, has been signed by over 13,000 people. The activists have arrived at the farm with a livestock trailer and are demanding that she be released into the care of an animal sanctuary. The protest has been... Read more >

  • Piggery worker caught performing sexual acts on caged pig in ‘sickening’ new footage

    Monday 11 Mar 2024

    Footage captured last month by Farm Transparency Project shows a worker at a Victorian piggery raping a female pig (sow) who is confined in a farrowing crate. The footage, aired exclusively on ABC's 7.30 program, was captured accidentally by the group, who set out to expose routine animal cruelty ahead of the public hearings for the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into pig welfare, which begin tomorrow (Tue 12 March) in Melbourne. Investigators who captured the footage have said that they were taken completely by surprise by the sickening act, which they reported to authorities as soon as they could. The group have also... Read more >

  • Undercover investigation reveals Victorian pig farms still caging mother pigs, 5 years after industry phase out came into effect

    Wednesday 21 Sep 2022

    Media release by Andy Meddick MP (Animal Justice Party Victoria) - An undercover investigation by Farm Transparency Project has revealed at least six Victorian piggeries are confining mother pigs to small cages, despite an industry phase-out deadline of 2017. Read more >

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