Name: Crocodylus Park Farm & Abattoir
Address: 815 McMillans Rd, Knuckey Lagoon NT 0828, Australia
LGA/Council: Litchfield Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]

Crocodylus Park is a zoo and tourist park near Darwin, with a secret farm and slaughterhouse/abattoir confining around 1000 crocodiles at a time to tiny cages, for meat and skins. The skins are supplied to major luxury fashion brands Hermès and Louis Vuitton.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2025
Listing ID: 48ff0
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Crocodylus Park is a zoo and tourist park near Darwin, with a secret farm and slaughterhouse/abattoir confining around 1000 crocodiles at a time to tiny cages, for meat and skins. The skins are supplied to major luxury fashion brands Hermès and Louis Vuitton.