Gassing outreach 1080p

Overview of three Victorian pig slaughterhouses which use gas chambers: Diamond Valley Pork, Benalla Slaughterhouse and Australian Food Group.

Used for Ban Gas Chambers outreach events.
Published: Mon 20 Nov 2023 by Anonymous
Captured/filmed: Not specified
Created: 2023
ID: py1z1w15bf
Licence: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit: Farm Transparency Project. Link not required.
Country: Australia
Location: Diamond Valley Pork, Laverton North, Victoria, Australia )
Australian Food Group Abattoir, Laverton North, Victoria, Australia )
Benalla Abattoir, Benalla, Victoria, Australia )
Company: Diamond Valley Pork
Australian Food Group
Linlock Pty Ltd

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