Name: Boen Boe Stud Piggery
Address: 48 Joadja Rd, Joadja NSW 2575, Australia
LGA/Council: Wingecarribee Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (02) 4868 0888

Boen Boe Stud Piggery at Joadja NSW keeps pigs confined to tiny metal and concrete cages in farrowing crates, many with bleeding wounds, beside dead and dying piglets; several sows had particularly severe cases of ear cutting, a painful process inflicted at a few days of age for identification purposes.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2022
Listing ID: 39f4f
Owned by: Boen Boe Pty Ltd, ABN: 57 123 156 892
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Boen Boe Stud Piggery at Joadja NSW, was exposed by Animal Liberation ACT in September 2013 with the release of covertly-obtained photos and footage depicting the same industry-standard cruelty seen earlier at Wally's Piggery, Allain's Piggery, Tennessee Piggery, Lansdowne Piggery and Strathvean Piggery.

At Boen Boe, pigs are confined to tiny metal and concrete cages in farrowing crates, many with bleeding wounds, beside dead and dying piglets; several sows had particularly severe cases of ear cutting, a painful process inflicted at a few days of age for identification purposes.

Boen Boe has the capacity for 430 sows.

Article from Pork Journal 2010: "Boen Boe Stud solves waste management and odour problems"

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ABN Lookup

ABN 57 123 156 892 (open lookup)
Entity name BOEN BOE PTY LTD
ABN status Active from 15 December 2006
Entity type Australian Private Company
Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registered from 01 September 2018
Main business location NSW 2145 from 10 May 2016
NSW 2145 from 23 September 2014 to 10 May 2016
NSW 2145 from 18 January 2014 to 23 September 2014
NSW 2145 from 15 December 2006 to 18 January 2014
ABN last updated 05 September 2018
Extracted from ABR 24 March 2025
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