Barcoo Butchery Slaughterhouse

30424 Landsborough Hwy, Blackall QLD 4472
Name: Barcoo Butchery Slaughterhouse
Address: 30424 Landsborough Hwy, Blackall QLD 4472
Summary: Barcoo Butchery Slaughterhouse is a slaughterhouse located in Blackall, QLD Australia.
Goats (unconfirmed)
Pigs (unconfirmed)
Calves (unconfirmed)
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2025
Listing ID: hregq
Owned by: Barcoo Butchery Pty Ltd
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The slaughterhouse (aka slaughter yard) for the Barcoo Butchery nearby in the town of Blackall, owned by the Davison family. Property owned by Lynette Davison.

Previously known to slaughter 140 animals per week, including 135 sheep/lambs and five cows/cattle. May also kill pigs, goats and calves. 

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