Name: Camilleri Stockfeeds (Rendering Plant)
Address: Old Northern Road, Maroota NSW 2756, Australia
LGA/Council: The Hills Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Camilleri Stockfeeds (Rendering Plant) is a rendering plant located in Maroota, NSW Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: e3c41
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Camilleri is both a renderer of poultry bones, blood, feathers, offal and fish offal and a trader of protein and oil based products for the aquaculture, pet, poultry, and stockfeed industries. The plant is located at Maroota, near Wisemans Ferry on the North-Western outskirts of Sydney. Raw materials for rendering are sourced from within the Sydney basin, with poultry meal purchases for blending and trading being sourced domestically and fish meal internationally.

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