Victoria Valley Meat Exports

71 Giles Rd, Trafalgar VIC 3824, Australia
Name: Victoria Valley Meat Exports
Address: 71 Giles Rd, Trafalgar VIC 3824, Australia
LGA/Council: Baw Baw Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Victoria Valley Meat Exports is a slaughterhouse located in Trafalgar, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2021
Listing ID: dbb93
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Formerly LE Giles & Sons Abattoir, closed in 2011 by PrimeSafe following footage of animal cruelty, reopened under new owners in 2016 as Victoria Valley Meat Exports.


"Gippsland abattoir sheds dark past to begin new life as global red meat exporter:

The new owners of a Gippsland abattoir have distanced themselves from an animal cruelty incident at the hands of the former operator to establish a worldwide export business.

Victoria Valley Meat Exports has built a new processing facility at the former site of Giles Abattoir in Trafalgar, which had its licence cancelled four years ago after reports of animal cruelty.

Victoria Valley Meat Exports owner Peter Polovinka said he would operate the new abattoir under a Tier Two export licence, which gives the processor access to every overseas market, except China."





Anonymous submission - 

"Regarding Giles rd saughterhouse here in Trafalgar, which was closed after the cruelty charges, then burned down, then rebuilt and rebranded Victoria Valley, is now owned by Central Agri Group and is a halal slaughter yard. I live in Trafalgar and was unaware of change of ownwership/processing,not advertised, but a muslim co worker (in another town) told me. I dont know if this information is any use. " - 06/09/2020

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