Poultry Pals Pty Ltd

325 Springs Rd, Fairdale QLD 4606, Australia
Name: Poultry Pals Pty Ltd
Address: 325 Springs Rd, Fairdale QLD 4606, Australia
LGA/Council: South Burnett Regional Council
Council website: southburnett.qld.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: 07 4189 9100
Summary: Poultry Pals Pty Ltd is a pig meat farm located in Fairdale, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2021
Listing ID: d32bf
Owned by: Poultry Pals Pty Ltd (last known 2018)
Government-issued enterprise ID: 2182
Environmental authority licence/number: P2-0197
Capacity: 3500-8000
View on map: Farm Transparency Map
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Anonymous, Feb 2019: Worst piggery in area pigs are swimming in their own shit. They also have a heap a chickens crammed into small cages. Not sure on how many but worth of an expectation

Anonymous, Feb 2019: People that own this should be in jail. Imagine sleeping in your own feces a foot deep. Dead pigs everywhere. This site also farm chickens. They are crammed into small pens never seen daylight. This facility needs to be visited and shut down

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