Hilltop Santrev

Bischoffs Road, Coominya QLD Australia 4311
Name: Hilltop Santrev
Address: Bischoffs Road, Coominya QLD Australia 4311
LGA/Council: Somerset Regional Council
Council website: somerset.qld.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Hilltop Santrev is a chicken meat farm located in Coominya, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: c431b
Owned by: Coominya Properties Pty Ltd (last known 2018)
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"Near new tunnel farm of 300,000 birds with the approval for another 400,000 birds. Contracted to Baiada Poultry, the block consists of two lots of land, 87.817 ha plus 43.397 ha (326 acres). It has ample water with five bores and a large dam. Currently there are six fully computerised, purpose built Tunnel Sheds with concrete floors which are only three years old. The pads are completed for a further two sheds. The pasture has been cleared for the new unit of six sheds with power and water already connected. There is also a main machinery shed approx 20m x 6m plus a fully enclosed workshop. The home is 6 years old with three bedrooms and an office."

http://www.poultryfarmsaustralia.com.au/property-past-details/qld/coominya/12.html - listed 2011, accessed 30 July 2018


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