Yarra Valley Eggs, aka The Pines Poultry Farm
"Currently it features two almost new sheds. One shed is fully a Tunnel ventilated holding 12,600 birds. Run under Agri Logic controller, the shed has the two outer lines four stack, while the middle line is five stack. It is up to D.P.I standards. The second shed is a two year old free range shed. Featuring state of the art equipment, it has a divider to run two separate aged flocks, with a total placement of 5000.
There are also four other sheds which can hold either two thousand caged birds or five thousand free range birds. Operating under the trading name of Yarra Valley and Yarra Valley Gold, the farm has many consistent customers. Two sheds are placed with birds with 3500 hens in each.
Outside shedding includes a sorting room, Cool room, and storage room. Two trucks and a forklift also make up some of the equipment"
http://www.poultryfarmsaustralia.com.au/property-details/vic/wesburn/97.html - accessed 2018