Saba Live Poultry

845 Kennedy St, Oakland, CA 94606, USA
Name: Saba Live Poultry
Address: 845 Kennedy St, Oakland, CA 94606, USA
Summary: Saba Live Poultry is a slaughterhouse located in Oakland, CA United States.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 9f431
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Rescue at Oakland Slaughterhouse Shows New, Potent Tactics of Growing Animal Rights Movement. An Oakland slaughterhouse, Saba Live Poultry, was occupied last weekend by more than 200 people, protesting the atrocious conditions in which animals are kept before being slaughtered. Oakland police arrested 23 people and charged them with trespassing, for entering the facility, filming abuses, and removing at least three animals for rescue.

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