Name: Wonga Piggery
Address: Moppity Road, Young NSW 2594, Australia
LGA/Council: Hilltops Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]

Owned by the family of Edwina Beveridge, Wonga Piggery is one of the industry's best in terms of animal welfare, but this really means very little, with the apparently great welfare advancement of "group housing" shown to be nothing more than larger cages, where pigs still have very little room to move and are now vulnerable to frustration-induced aggression.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2017
Listing ID: 9130e
Owned by: Walker & Rowntree Family (Windridge Farms), ABN: 55 127 963 008
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Owned by the family of Edwina Beveridge, Windridge Farms' Wonga Piggery is one of the industry's most highly regarded in terms of animal welfare, yet footage and photographs taken covertly by activists and provided to Animal Liberation ACT tell a different story:

  • Dead and dying piglets left out in the open
  • Piglets whose legs have become trapped in the cage floors
  • Sows confined to tiny cages within farrowing crates and sow stalls or packed into "group housing", many with large open injuries, others with smaller wounds indicative of fighting caused by overcrowding and a lack of stimulation
  • Pigs living in their own faeces
  • Round-the-clock artificial lighting
  • Infestations of flies and rats with rat droppings littered throughout piglet feed

This is yet more evidence of systemic cruelty in our country's pig farms; the twelfth exposed by Animal Liberation, the fifth in the Young NSW region. Having removed a large number of their sow stalls in favour of the new standard of "group housing", we can see that this apparently great welfare advancement is nothing more than larger cages, where pigs still have very little room to move and are now vulnerable to fighting brought on by frustration and boredom.

The bright white sterility of some of the farrowing rooms are a perfect example of how mechanised and factory-like modern animal "farming" has become, with sentient animals treated as nothing more than units of production. Despite their best efforts, the industry has once again proven that there is no ethical way to raise and kill pigs for human consumption.

Windridge Farms previously took Animal Liberation NSW to court to prevent footage from Wonga Piggery being released, unsuccessfully arguing that they should have copyright over any material filmed illegally on their property.

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ABN Lookup

ABN 55 127 963 008 (open lookup)
Entity name WINDRIDGE FARMS PTY LIMITED (from 22 June 2009)
Windridge Farms Pty Ltd from 12 October 2007 to 22 June 2009
ABN status Active from 12 October 2007
Entity type Australian Private Company
Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registered from 12 October 2007
Main business location NSW 2594 from 31 July 2008
NSW 2594 from 12 October 2007 to 31 July 2008
ABN last updated 23 June 2009
Extracted from ABR 25 March 2025
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