Goldfields Turkeys

189 C694+52 Saint Arnaud North VIC, Australia
Name: Goldfields Turkeys
Address: 189 C694+52 Saint Arnaud North VIC, Australia
LGA/Council: Northern Grampians Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Goldfields Turkeys is a turkey meat farm located in Saint Arnaud North, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2023
Listing ID: 90e04
ABN: 37068105920
ACN: 068105920
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Might be closed:

Anonymous submission Nov 14 2023 - Unconfirmed: "Now open and operating as a free range egg farm under the name of Grampian Eggs. Egg Stamp code VD3G"
Anonymous submission Nov 14 2023 - Unconfirmed: "Goldfields Turkey Farm has been sold and is now operating as a free-range egg production farm. Birds are ranging at a density of 1500 birds/ha"

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