Unknown broiler farm

Lower Somerville Road, Somerville VIC 3912, Australia
Name: Unknown broiler farm
Address: Lower Somerville Road, Somerville VIC 3912, Australia
LGA/Council: Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Council website: mornpen.vic.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Unknown broiler farm is a chicken meat farm located in Somerville, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: 8a4a5
Contracted to: Baiada , ABN: 96 002 925 948 (last known 2012)
Capacity: 120,000
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"120,000 bird (at .5 density ) farm.  Set on a lovely 16 acres with five paddocks, this farm is contracted to Baiada Poultry and has the wonderful advantage of mains gas as well as mains water available. The three sheds are all of the same size (40,000 birds at .5 density) and are laid out in a very orderly way with excellent driveways surrounding them. Two of the sheds are cross flow while the third shed is tunnel ventilated. There has been extensive equipment upgrading and all sheds have automatic winching. A large amount of machinery shedding and a walk in cool room is also part of this farm."

http://www.poultryfarmsaustralia.com.au/property-past-details/vic/somerville-/57.html - listed 2012, accessed Dec 2018

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