Tabro Meat

2140 Korumburra-Wonthaggi Rd, Lance Creek VIC 3995, Australia
Name: Tabro Meat
Address: 2140 Korumburra-Wonthaggi Rd, Lance Creek VIC 3995, Australia
LGA/Council: Bass Coast Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: 1300 226 278
Summary: Tabro Meat is a cow/cattle slaughterhouse located in Lance Creek, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2021
Listing ID: 7e02d
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Export Abattoir (Beef, Offal).

Also known as St Clair Abattoir.


Sold to MMG in July 2020 after being closed for sometime: 

"The Wonthaggi plant is expected to be running again by the end of August or early September [2020] and will begin by accepting dairy culls, bulls and aged beef."

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