Name: Mindarra Piggery (module 1)
Address: Unnamed Road, Boonanarring WA 6503, Australia
LGA/Council: Gingin Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]

Mindarra Piggery, comprised of 4 separate modules, is WA's largest pig farm and has faced multiple charges of animal cruelty since 2007. In 2013 they were fined $225000. Investigation of module 1 by activists in mid 2014 found sows confined to metal cages, one with a painful prolapse; numerous sick and dead piglets (some in buckets); a broken water pipe continuously spraying cold water on sows and piglets; several rats seen amongst the pigs.

Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: 7c9d7
Owned by: Westpork Pty Ltd, ABN: 90 009 148 789
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Mindarra Piggery, owned by Westpork, is the largest pig farm in Western Australia. The piggery is comprised of four separate modules. Module 1 is a 950 sow breeder unit containing sows and piglets from 0 to 3 weeks of age. Pig housing comprises four conventional sheds and converted deep litter sheds.

Modules 2 and 4 (located between 1 and 3) are grow-out facilities. Module 2 contains 120 deep litter weaner/finisher sheds, which are gradually being decommissioned as new housing is built at the Mindarra 4 site.

Module 3 is an 1100 sow multiplier unit, with some pigs kept until finisher age. Pig housing comprises of four conventional sheds and three eco-shelters.

Module 2 was raided by authorities in 2007 after a complaint from Animal Rights Advocates (ARA). The charges were dropped two years later due to legal technicalities. In 2013, Westpork was fined $225000 for failing to euthanise 10 sick pigs at one of the two grow-out modules.

Module 1 was investigated by activists in mid 2014. Sows were found confined to metal cages in farrowing crates, one with a painful prolapse; numerous sick and dead piglets were found, some in the farrowing crates, others in buckets; a broken water pipe continuously sprayed cold water on sows and piglets who were unable to move away; several rats were seen amongst the pigs; and other issues typical of Australian pig farming were uncovered, such as the mutilation (tail and ear cutting) of piglets without anaesthetic or pain relief.

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ABN Lookup

ABN 90 009 148 789 (open lookup)
Entity name WESTPORK PTY. LTD. (from 01 June 2000)
WESTPORK P/L from 17 January 2000 to 01 June 2000
Business name MINDARRA FARM
ABN status Active from 17 January 2000
Entity type Australian Private Company
Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registered from 01 July 2000
Main business location WA 6051 from 07 January 2009
WA 6104 from 17 January 2000 to 07 January 2009
ABN last updated 21 June 2014
Extracted from ABR 25 March 2025
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