Tallangatta Meat Processors

397 Bryants Gap Rd, Tallangatta VIC 3700, Australia
Name: Tallangatta Meat Processors
Address: 397 Bryants Gap Rd, Tallangatta VIC 3700, Australia
LGA/Council: Towong Shire Council
Council website: towong.vic.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (02) 6071 5100
Summary: Tallangatta Meat Processors is a sheep slaughterhouse located in Tallangatta, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: 76c92
Website: https://www.smithstmp.com.au/
Owned by: Smiths Tallangatta Meat Processors, ABN: 73 588 322 787
Property Identification Code (PIC): 3ABLP084
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From Smiths TMP's website:

"Tallangatta Meat Processors (Smith’s TMP) have a long and proud history in the Australian Meat Industry. Family Owned and Operated for over 40 years, we pride ourselves on our commitment to Quality, Reliability & Customer Relationships.

We process Lamb & Mutton for both Domestic and International Markets. Our Meat Processing plant is located on the border of NSW and Victoria approximately 40km from Albury.

We recognize our people are our community. We are committed to be an employer of choice through our training and development programs, renumeration structures, working conditions and the overall wellbeing of our people.

Our products include Lamb and Mutton Carcass, Carcass parts, Red & Green Offal, Skins and Ovine By-Products. We strive to source locally utilizing highly skilled buyers to ensure quality that is representative of our brand. We continue to invest heavily in infrastructure and cutting-edge technology to build our future.

We are committed to growth locally and internationally by providing a superior product and service underpinned by hard work and dedication, hands-on management and long held family values."

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ABN Lookup

ABN 73 588 322 787 (open lookup)
Business name Smiths Tallangatta Meat Processors
Tallangatta Meat Processors
ABN status Active from 21 May 2000
Entity type Fixed Unit Trust
Goods & Services Tax (GST) Registered from 01 July 2000
Main business location VIC 3700 from 12 January 2014
VIC 3700 from 21 May 2000 to 12 January 2014
ABN last updated 06 June 2018
Extracted from ABR 21 December 2024
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