Name: Sharklake Piggery
Address: 171 Myrup Rd, Myrup WA 6450, Australia
LGA/Council: Esperance Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (08) 9071 0666
Summary: Sharklake Piggery is a pig meat farm located in Myrup, WA Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 5b8ef
Owned by: Judith Ann HOFFRICHTER And Peter Rex HOFFRICHTER And Stephen Peter HOFFRICHTER And Deborah HOFFRICHTER
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21 Jan 2019: anonymous submission indicates that this facility has closed down. Unconfirmed.


Owned by: Judith Ann Hoffrichter, Peter Rex Hoffrichter, Stephen Peter Hoffrichter.

Farrow to finish, holds 3000-5000 pigs, sends 180 per week to Dardanup Butchering Company in Bunbury.

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