Name: Mungindi Feedlot
Address: , Mungindi QLD , Australia
Summary: Mungindi Feedlot is a cow/cattle meat farm located in Mungindi, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 5b492
Owned by: JBS
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"The Mungindi Feedlot is a 12,000 head capacity, 400 hectare feedlot strategically located in the extensive farming region of the Western Darling Downs, 30 kilometres north of the New South Wales/Queensland border township of Mungindi.

The site provides feeder cattle backgrounding opportunities and enjoys access to abundant winter cereal grains, cotton by-products and a broad cross section of feeder cattle suppliers, making it a strategic asset to the JBS Australia grain-fed business."

Feedlot Manager: Matthew Luhrs

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