Total Livestock Genetics (Bull masurbators)

82 Smiths Rd, Glenormiston North VIC 3265, Australia
Name: Total Livestock Genetics (Bull masurbators)
Address: 82 Smiths Rd, Glenormiston North VIC 3265, Australia
Summary: Total Livestock Genetics (Bull masurbators) is a cow/cattle dairy farm located in Glenormiston North, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: n/a
Listing ID: 3eich
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TLG’s Glenormiston Centre is located on both Harringtons and Smiths Road, Glenormiston North, and is where the semen and embryo collection centres are located. It is also where we run our bovine recipient herd to be utilised for implant and transfer programs, as well as extensive bull lay-off facilities.

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