Rhodavale Pork- farm & slaughter

160 Harvey Road, Lower Wonga QLD 4570, Australia
Name: Rhodavale Pork- farm & slaughter
Address: 160 Harvey Road, Lower Wonga QLD 4570, Australia
LGA/Council: Gympie Regional Council
Council website: gympie.qld.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (07) 5481 0800
Summary: Rhodavale Pork- farm & slaughter is a pig meat farm located in Lower Wonga, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 3b85a
Owned by: Bradley & Melinda Murnane (last known 2018)
Government-issued enterprise ID: 1250
Environmental authority licence/number: 2015-14
Capacity: 400-3500
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"The local family owned & operated farming business not only breeds, grows & finishes all of their animals, but also processes them in their newly opened on farm butcher shop, offering farmer direct sales on both a retail & wholesale levels"

Safe Food QLD Database- meat processor.

Business Owner: Melinda Jan Murnane

Business Name: Rhodavale Pork

Premises Location: 160 Harvey Road Lower Wonga QLD 4570

Activity: Meat Processing

Accreditation Number: 123533001

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