Broiler farm

Mackereth Road, Templers SA 5371, Australia
Name: Broiler farm
Address: Mackereth Road, Templers SA 5371, Australia
LGA/Council: Light Regional Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Broiler farm is a chicken meat farm located in Templers, SA Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: 236fa
Contracted to: Ingham's, ABN: 20 008 447 345
View on map: Farm Transparency Map
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"Set on some ninety six acres this well laid out property will appeal to those looking for performance with controllable outgoings. Offering twelve tunnel ventilated sheds with state of the art systems in place the sheds are grouped into six banks with a large store room and chiller between each pair. Catering for 294,000 broiler birds at .53 density the farm also offers mains water, a massive high clearance 30 x 15 metre (app) machinery shed, excellent internal roading and back up generators. The residence is a spacious four bedroom home with all that would be expected in such a property. Contracted to Inghams Poultry this is a low maintainance farm close to Gawler, a major regional township and approximately one hours drive from Adelaide.

Key Features

  • Mains water
  • 294,000 broiler chickens at .53 density
  • Twelve tunnel sheds in 6 banks of 2
  • Massive machinery shed
  • Composting and freezer
  • Ninety six acres
  • Share farm for cropping surplus land
  • Two generators - 200 & 150 Kva
  • One hour to Adelaide
  • Fifteen minutes to Gawler
  • Inghams contract" - accessed July 2018

Possibly called "Walleyes Chicken Farms"