"Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms": SINCE 2012, "Speciesism: The Movie" director Mark Devries has been secretly using spy drones to investigate and expose the environmental devastation caused by factory farms. In this video, the drones capture shocking aerial footage of several massive facilities that supply pigs for Smithfield Foods.

Now, get ready for an even BIGGER dose of truth about factory farming, with the unassuming documentary that became a worldwide phenomenon: www.SpeciesismTheMovie.com/watch-speciesism-the-movie
Published: Mon 14 Oct 2019 by MarkSonoma
Captured/filmed: Not specified
Created: 17 December 2014
ID: 04unfqm9qh
Licence: Unspecified - please contact the uploader for terms of use.
Country: United States
Location: Smithfield Offices, Laurinburg, North Carolina, United States