G Bulmer Piggery

251 Hillyards Rd, Boorabee Park NSW 2480, Australia
Name: G Bulmer Piggery
Address: 251 Hillyards Rd, Boorabee Park NSW 2480, Australia
LGA/Council: Kyogle Council
Council website: kyogle.nsw.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (02) 6632 1611
Summary: G Bulmer Piggery is believed to be believed to be a meat farm located in Boorabee Park, NSW Australia.
Farm (meat) (unconfirmed)
Pigs (unconfirmed)
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2023
Listing ID: r4stz
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operating piggery. Sheds said to hold 200 pigs, estimated to be closer to 1000. Tree line behind piggery is Back Creek which flows into Wilson River at Lismore then to the coast. Effluent being pumped onto surrounding paddocks. No notice given to residents from owner or Kyogle council that piggery was to open. No action to date by council to support residents in regards to noise and odour.

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