Boshier Farms Dairy

Moreys Rd, Brucknell VIC 3268, Australia
Name: Boshier Farms Dairy
Address: Moreys Rd, Brucknell VIC 3268, Australia
Summary: Boshier Farms Dairy is a dairy farm located in Brucknell, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: n/a
Listing ID: f7zhp
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"The farm features a modern 50-unit rotary operation across 275 hectares (679 acres) at Brucknell, near Timboon in high rainfall south-western Victoria.

There is the big rotary plus a 32,000 litre vat, automatic cup removers, retention bars, computerised ID and automated feed system.

The sale also comes with a three-bedroom home and garage/workshop.

Other improvements include a 24m x 22m calf shed and three-bay machinery shed.

The farm is subdivided into 55 paddocks and serviced by an extensive laneway system."


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