Name: Tennessee Piggery
Address: 1750 Kingsvale Rd, Kingsvale NSW 2587, Australia
LGA/Council: Hilltops Council
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Wally's second pig farm showed many of the same problems as the first, with the addition of sow stalls. Animal Liberation activists captured footage here shortly after the Wally's Piggery exposé in August 2012, and returned to the farm in May 2013 to find that it was empty - it looked as though it had been for at least a few months.

Last known status: Closed
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 79a26
Owned by: Wally Perenc
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Wally's second pig farm showed many of the same problems as the first, with the addition of sow stalls. Animal Liberation activists captured footage here shortly after the Wally's Piggery expos é in August 2012, and returned to the farm in May 2013 to find that it was empty - it looked as though it had been for at least a few months.