Vitulus Lowline Stud

221A Mulgowie Rd, Thornton QLD 4341, Australia
Name: Vitulus Lowline Stud
Address: 221A Mulgowie Rd, Thornton QLD 4341, Australia
LGA/Council: Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Vitulus Lowline Stud is a cow/cattle meat farm located in Thornton, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: 79801
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"Vitulus, pronounced Vy-tool-us, cattle stud is one of Australia’s larger and most successful breeders of purebred Ausline cattle. Their attributes are very appealing to a wide range of producers including the commercial cattleman due to their low birth weights and early maturity patterns, calving ease and shorter gestation periods and those with smaller acreage due to their size, docility and increased stocking rate.

In 2015 we introduced Native Angus genetics into our herd by importing semen from two bulls from the Dunlouise Stud in Scotland so we can expand our commercial market. Native Bred Angus are actually the purest form of Angus genetics in the world with no outside introduced genetics. For us they provide more depth and muscle to our animals without compromising the traits such as low birth weights, easy calving, feed efficient and the ability to  moderate frame size of commercial breeds. They make the perfect heifer bulls for our commercial clients."

Former address of Ausline Cattle Association Inc.

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