Unknown broiler farm

432 Bentons Road, Moorooduc VIC 3933, Australia
Name: Unknown broiler farm
Address: 432 Bentons Road, Moorooduc VIC 3933, Australia
LGA/Council: Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
Council website: mornpen.vic.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Unknown broiler farm is a chicken meat farm located in Moorooduc, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: 4ee01
Owned by: Kugler Enterprises (last known 2010)
Contracted to: Ingham's , ABN: 20 008 447 345 (last known 2010)
Capacity: 38,700
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"Contracted to Inghams Poultry this farm is currently operating as a free-range farm with a placement of 38,700 bds and a growing fee of 77.85 cents per bird approx. It is currently producing about 5.8 batches a year." - http://www.poultryfarmsaustralia.com.au/property-past-details/vic/moorooduc/25.html, listed 2009, accessed Dec 2018

Owned by Karl Kugler (2010)

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