Name: Unknown broiler farm
Address: Murray Road, Modella VIC 3816, Australia
LGA/Council: Cardinia Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Summary: Unknown broiler farm is a chicken meat farm located in Modella, VIC Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2018
Listing ID: 1bc31
Contracted to: Turi Foods (Turosi / OSI / La Ionica) , ABN: 29 057 142 971 (last known 2013)
Capacity: 157,840
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"Set in South Gippsland and no more then one hour from Melbourne, is this four shed farm under contract to Turi Poultry ( La Ionica ) is very neat and excellently maintained. The four, strongly built clear span Cross Flow sheds have been updated with new feeders, drinkers, heaters and silos. They also have Auto Wincing in all sheds, plus large amounts of back ups, including two high pressure fogging pumps per sheds. Large driveways surround the sheds and there are two entrances into the farm. Water costs are kept low due to a large dam and bore. Acreage is 61.

Outside are two large machinery sheds, one fully enclosed, the other with some open bays.   There is another shed that houses the two generators both of 125KVA, a crew room and toilet, plus a freezer container. The property has new fences with excellent cattle yards." - listed 2013, accessed Oct 2018