Name: Canya Greyhound Complex
Address: 1321 Peabody Road, Molong NSW 2866
LGA/Council: Cabonne Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (02) 6392 3200
Summary: Canya Greyhound Complex is a greyhound race training/breeding facility located in Molong, NSW Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 5a425
Owned by: Toby & Jessica Weekes
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Owners: Toby & Jessica Weekes.

ABN: 78 725 191 976

Facility approved by the local council for up to 200 racing greyhounds and puppies.

Toby Weekes arrested and charged for death threats made against Deputy Premier Troy Grant and his family over greyhound ban, 2016.

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