Menzel's Meats Stun Pen (Sheep)

At Menzel's Meats sheep are paralysed using an electric stunner. A worker pursues them with the electric stunner and restrains them by physically holding them down or fails to restrain them, instead jabbing the stunner into their head or neck as they try and flee. Many sheep are stunned unsuccessfully the first time and are then re-stunned, sometimes up to 3 times. Sheep are observed displaying signs of consciousness including blinking and eye and head movements moments before they are dragged away to have their throat slit.

According to the Australian Standard for the Hygienic Production and Transportation of Meat and Meat Products for Human Consumption (AS 4696), animals should be restrained "in a way that ensures stunning is effective," and are "stunned in a way that ensures the animals are unconscious and insensible to pain before sticking occurs..." These already inadequate standards are clearly and repeatedly violated at Menzel's Meats.

Studies show that blinking, eye movement, posture and attempts to right themselves are all signs of consciousness and should be seen as indicators that an animal is still able to experience pain. All of these behaviours are observed repeatedly at Menzel's Meats.
Published: Thu 3 Aug 2023 by Farm Transparency Project
Captured/filmed: June 2023
Created: August 2023
ID: gmn9gsl89a
Licence: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit: Farm Transparency Project. Link not required.
Country: Australia
Location: Menzel's Meats, Kapunda, South Australia, Australia )

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