Costco Doesn’t Want You To Know What's Wrong With These Eggs

A recent HSUS investigation revealed a Costco egg supplier cramming chickens into tiny cages, forcing birds to live in cages with the decayed, mummified corpses of their dead cage-mates, and engaging in other inhumane practices that are bad for animals and food safety. This is in stark contrast to the happy hens and green fields depicted on egg cartons sold at Costco.
It’s been eight years since Costco indicated publicly that it wanted to eliminate cage confinement of chickens from its supply chain. Let the company know that now is the perfect time to go cage-free!
Published: Wed 9 Oct 2019 by stephb
Captured/filmed: Not specified
Created: 9 June 2015
ID: 7pgh1agnk8
Licence: Unspecified - please contact the uploader for terms of use.
Country: United States
Location: Hillandale Farms, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, United States