Chesterton Station

Mount Tabor Rd, Upper Warrego QLD 4477, Australia
Name: Chesterton Station
Address: Mount Tabor Rd, Upper Warrego QLD 4477, Australia
Summary: Chesterton Station is a cow/cattle meat farm located in Upper Warrego, QLD Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2022
Listing ID: df392
Owned by: Australian Country Choice
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186,247 hectares
460,226 acres

[email protected]

This property aggregation comprises of 4 properties to form what is the Babbiloora Group. Chesterton, Mt Tabor, Dooloogarah and Babbiloora and is primarily used for breeding and growing young stock before entering the Brindley Park Feedlot.

Carrying Capacity: 22,452 head

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