Name: Highchester Meats
Address: 6604 Mount Lindesay Highway Gleneagle QLD 4285
LGA/Council: Scenic Rim Regional Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (07) 5540 5111

Domestic abattoir (beef, sheep, goat, pig, calf)
Closed late 2023

Last known status: Closed
Listing updated: 2024
Listing ID: b5e9c
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  • Behind Every Glass

    Tuesday 30 Apr 2024 by Ruth and Sarah

    We entered the dairy. In the nights that followed we documented the horrors as we uncovered the full spectrum that is dairy, and the lifelong cruelty the calves and their mothers faced, their sad and broken lives, from farm to saleyard to slaughterhouse... In 2017, investigators Ruth and Sarah documented the lives of dairy cows and calves, from farm, to saleyard to slaughterhouse. Read more >

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