Strathmore Piggery

McColls Road, Koorawatha NSW 2807, Australia
Name: Strathmore Piggery
Address: McColls Road, Koorawatha NSW 2807, Australia
LGA/Council: Cowra Shire Council
Council website:
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: (02) 6340 2000
Summary: Strathmore Piggery is a pig meat farm located in Koorawatha, NSW Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: n/a
Listing ID: 99913
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"A piggery operation at Koorawatha between Young and Cowra is planning a seven-fold increase in sow numbers in part because of new animal welfare rules.

The McColl family has operated a piggery on the property Kindamindi for about 40 years and on Strathmore for about 11 years.

One is for breeding, currently with about 200 sows, the other for growing stock.

... proposed development on the Koorawatha-Greenthorpe Road"

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