Louisa Downs Station

Louisa Downs Road, Mueller Ranges WA 6770, Australia
Name: Louisa Downs Station
Address: Louisa Downs Road, Mueller Ranges WA 6770, Australia
LGA/Council: Shire of Halls Creek
Council website: hcshire.wa.gov.au
Council email: [email protected]
Council phone: 08 9168 6007
Summary: Louisa Downs Station is a cow/cattle meat farm located in Mueller Ranges, WA Australia.
Last known status: Open and operating
Listing updated: 2019
Listing ID: 7d2c0
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Originally of about 1,000,000 acres (4,000 km2) is size, the station encompasses a significant section of the south eastern end of the King Leopold Ranges and the southern boundary is on the northern end of the Great Sandy Desert. In 1962 when the station was purchased by Karl Stein it was combined with the neighbouring station, Bohemia Downs, now known as Kupartiya[2]" also nearly 1,000,000 acres in size and run as one enterprise with approximately 17,000 head of cattle. The Margaret River enters the station on its eastern boundary near the junction of the Mary River, then running in a north westerly direction between the Lubbock and Kuniandi Ranges and entering the Mueller Ranges at "Me No Savy" in a wide gorge, the site of a potential irrigation dam. The homestead is located on the banks of the Margaret River near Mount Frank. A significant meteorite crater (astrobleme) known locally as Goat Paddock Pocket is located in the northern part of the station near the junction of the O'Donnell and Margaret River in an area known as "Bluebush." The combined station has since been broken up into 4 stations and the original Louisa Downs has now been returned to its original traditional owners, the Cox family.

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