Calf on kill table - A 2023 investigation captured dozens of week-old bobby calves who were stunned ineffectively, or not stunned at all because they were pushed upside down into the restraint or were so small that they fell through the bottom. These calves were tipped into the kill room and had their throats slit while fully conscious, struggling and trying to escape the hands and knife that ended their life. Calves displayed signs of consciousness, including blinking, rhythmic breathing and trying to stand, even after their throats had been slit. 
 - Captured at Tasmanian Quality Meats Abattoir, Cressy TAS Australia.

Calf on kill table

A 2023 investigation captured dozens of week-old bobby calves who were stunned ineffectively, or not stunned at all because they were pushed upside down into the restraint or were so small that they fell through the bottom. These calves were tipped into the kill room and had their throats slit while fully conscious, struggling and trying to escape the hands and knife that ended their life. Calves displayed signs of consciousness, including blinking, rhythmic breathing and trying to stand, even after their throats had been slit.
Published: Fri 8 Dec 2023 by Farm Transparency Project
Captured/filmed: September 2023
ID: i9492yw7p3i4l8o0gfb1
Licence: Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit: Farm Transparency Project. Link not required.
Country: Australia
Location: Tasmanian Quality Meats Abattoir, Cressy, Tasmania, Australia )

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